What is Microprocessor and microcontrollers ?
Microprocessor and Microcontrollers
In today’s blog, we will learn what is microcontrollers what is a microprocessor difference between microprocessor and microcontrollers
To understand what is microcontroller first we need to understand what is a microprocessor
The microprocessor contains sequential and combination circuit which helps to store and manipulate data
The first commercial microprocessor is developed by intel 4004 in the year 1971
4004 is a 4-bit microprocessor with a 16 pin
The microprocessor contains only a control unit and arithmetic logic unit (ALU) rest all RAM, ROM, input and output port connections we have to give externally
Although the microprocessor was full filled our need microprocessor are cost-effective because we have to manually add RAM, ROM, I/O ports and they were consuming high power and size was comparatively large so an alternative to this single-chip microcontrollers has to introduce
- Microcontrollers are the alternative to the microprocessor
- Microcontrollers are mainly used in embedded systems
- The world-first microprocessor was built by the texas instruments and chip name was TMS 1000 which was commercially released in the market in the year 1974
- The original TMS 1000 has 8 kb of ROM,256 bits of RAM and 23 ports for input and output operation
Home appliances, toys, camera music player, computer, TVs telephone, fax, security system, pinball machines, airbag climate control smartphones etc …..
Difference between microcontroller and microprocessor
1) microprocessor circuit contains only control unit and ALU
The microcontroller contains the entire CPU in a single chip
2) in microprocessor RAM, ROM and I/o ports we have to add externally
In microcontroller RAM, ROM and I/O ports come inbuilt by default in a single chip
3) in microprocessor power consumption is relatively high
In microcontrollers, power consumption is relatively low
4) microprocessor consume relatively large space
Microcontrollers consume relatively less space
5) in microprocessors cost is relatively high
In microcontrollers, the cost is relatively low
6) in microprocessor we can update RAM and ROM
Microprocessor we can not update RAM and ROM
7) microprocessor used in an intensive and high-performance task like in pc
Microcontrollers are used in fixed task and low-performance operation like a traffic light
Nice Bro.