Top 3 Advance Phishing Tool | which makes hacking relatively simple

     hello in this blog we are going to discuss advanced phishing tools which make hacking relatively easy and simple and which are going to use in social engineering.




    Gophish is open-source advanced phishing toolkit which used by penetration tester on real-world corporates setup up of this tool is quite simple and quick, this tool is mainly used for phishing engagement and security awareness 
    Gophish tool is a browser-based GUI and its  developed in the Go programing language 

Features of Gophish

  • its support browser-based GUI (graphic user enter phase ) 
  • it gives admin panel access 
  • Victim Data Stored using SQL

Installation of Gophish

step 1:- first update your system by typing 
  • sudo apt-get update
step 2:- now we will download source code from GitHub for that type
  • go get

step 3:- now we have to give a path for our go compiler for
that type
  • $GOPATH/src/
step 4:- now we have installed it using go compiler for that type
  • go build

step 5:- now we have installed gophish successfully, to run this
application type
  • ../src/$ ./gophish

step 6:- Now start your web browser and in the address bar type
step 7:- when you start this tool in the browser it will ask for
username and password
username is:
  • admin
password is: 
  • gophish




Advphishing is advanced open-source tools developed in multiple languages, the main feature of this tool is it can By-pass OTP and two-factor authentication and gain access to his or her social media account in real-time, it also used to get victim IP-address this tool is available for both  platform Linux and android 

Feature of this tool 

  • OTP phishing 
  • email notification phishing 
  • android support
  • port-forwarding support 
this tool already contains many social media phishing pages so need to create a custom phishing page  


  • sudo support  
  • ngrok token key
  • apache2 server
  • PHP ( install on termux )

Installation in termux (android)

step 1:- first we need to download it for that type

  • git clone

step 2:- now we need to move inside the downloaded directory

  • cd AdvPhishing/

 step 3:- now we need to give excitable permission 

  • chmod +X *

step 4:- now we need to install this tool for that type 

  • ./

step 5:- now we need to run this tool

  • ./

For Linux till step 3 same process is there 

step 4:- to install this tool in Linux type

  • ./

step 5:- now we need to run this tool

  • ./

 For tunnelling, you can use 



SocialFish is an advanced open-source tool that is integrated with ngrok the main feature of this tool is creating phishing pages of other main social media websites also one of the most important features of this tool is, its browser-based GUI tool all operation we need to perform in-browser only 


  • Browser-Based GUI
  • All Social Account Already Added
  • Data Stored
 this is also supported android that means we can use it in android too 


  • python 
  • flask
  • QRcode


step 1:- first we need to download it for that type

  • git clone

step 2:- now we need to move inside the downloaded directory 

  • cd SocialFish

step 3:- now we need to install the python-pip command 

  • sudo apt install python3-pip

step 4:- now we need to install the required tool to install SocialFish

  • sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt

 step 5:- now we need to give excitable permission 

  • chmod +X

step 6:- now we need to run this tool

  • python3



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