What Is Blog?

 A blog is also called a weblog and it is used do for business works and some teaching works and it was started in the year 2010 and announced in newspapers and media 
the term weblog was y Jorn Barger on 17/December/1997 the short form of it is a blog, the person peter Bergholz who jokely said weblog to a blog in the April pr May 1999
and blog meaning to edit one's weblog or to post to one's weblog and used the world blogger
at earlier blogs wear manually updated of components of a common website in 1995 the online dairy was ty. nic website was produced and that also uploaded manually
and bruce Abelson person lanched open dairy in October 1998 which as been grooved well on that time after that brad Fitzpatrick started live journaling 1999 march after him many other persons have used blogs at the time of 2004, the role of blogs wears became more popular. there are many different types of blogs differing not only in the types of content but also in the way that it was delivered or called written 
the personal blogs in an ongoing online diary or commentary was written organization 

                                                           written by KIRAN KUMAR.K

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